today is going to be a blarg. brain fried, caput, gone. so without too much undue brain damage to the 0.25 brain cells i have remaining:
we went to cafe de flore, to sip on our very first cafe creme (almost a week here and no coffee??? incredible!). this place sucks. the coffee was good, not outstanding, and the check came out to 11.40 euros, for TWO cafe cremes. uh... seriously?! and THEN, i flipped the guy 15 euros, and he stuffs it into his pocket, says thanks, and walks off!!! confused, i sat around looking like a dumfounded tourist (because... i was a dumfounded tourist), expecting that maybe he went to go back for some change. alas, this was not the case, and by the time that grace got back (see what happens when she leaves me alone for 5 minutes???), we were past the time where it would be very uncomfortable asking the waitress for our change. especially since he was wiping down our table asking us to leave so that another patron could use our table. confused, and baffled, not wanting to say anything as it might violate 15,000 customs, we left, paying 15 euros for 2 cups of coffee that were good, but not mind boggling fantastic. sigh... (there are words much stronger than *sigh* going through my head, but there may be kids reading! like... my parents!).
so... probably not going to go here anymore...

but... here's a picture of cafe go-ers in their natural habitat. 2 cafes, a glass of water, of course a pack of cigarettes, and... most obviously... a coke light.

and in case you're wondering what a 7.50 euro cafe creme looks like... if you're picturing a 2L mug...

tbbbbtthhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! (with a little pouting in between)
but, to make up for it, we ventured out to a bakery (for our once a day dessert rule), do Poilane. they are famous for two things.

1) THE best apple tart (aside from Grace's of course... it's a different type of tart you see, Grace's and Polaines are like two seperate categories of apple tar... digging myself into a deeper hole? shut up now? you bet).

and 2) butter cookies. these guys need to take lessons from Grace on butter cookies because her butter cookies rock their world. utterly destroy, pulverise, vaporize, think... smithereens. but smaller.

we made our way to a big shopping mall (according to grace's blog, one of the first ever 'malls' which, of course, i don't remember at all since... well... i'm a goldfish). quinn's hungry monster came out, and just as we were starting to look at baking equiment (our all time favorite sections of any dept. store), the quinn reflection of mr. hyde came out, and grace had to rush the quinn to the nearest eatery to make sure he reverted back to his dr. jekyll form. we daydreamed a bit about perhaps starting a baking shop one day soon (with me as the floor cleaner and dish washer of course), and decided to call it a day early.
the next four days are going to be museum madness (aka get it out of our system and out of the way). we'll have much more pictures posted soon (hopefully of me doing obscene things to old greco statues, followed by pictures of security guards throwing me out of the louvre. from the top of the building). stay tuned.
quinn, your pictures are fabulous. did you take some photo classes? i'm loving this! good preview of our trip!