well, here i go upsetting my mother again, with a super post. so if you don't hear from me again, it's probably because angry mother has displaced me. to another planet.
but you really have to hand it to people who somehow manage to post every single day of their lives. first off, hats off to you for your diligence and hard work. but seriously, how do you do it? these people must absolutely love their computers. it must be a joy for them to sit down in front of their computers and blog (work). they must run back home (while knocking down helpless old people and causing all sorts of traffic havoc on their jaywalks), knock their door down, jump over their coffee table, and curse their computers for loading so slow.
as a consultant, who spends the majority of time in front of a computer screen... i'm sorry. this is something that i cannot do. sitting down in front of my computer at times when i don't have to (remember, fantasy sports and sports-related content reading does not count), causes an allergic reaction whereby my body gets confused because it thinks it's at work, when the eyes show that they're at home. this causes me to immediately open up a browser, throw down some espn, and read something, anything, even WNBA articles, in calming the body down in ensuring it that it's not doing any work, but is in fact, doing something pleasureable and personal. only after enough sports-related content is infused in the body does it become temporarily immune to do more work-related items on the computer during personal time. like blogging.
April 10th-12th
i'm now immune to bad airport incidences trying to get to CDG. i'm 2 for 2 in harrowing, hair-tearing, incidences trying to get on a plane out of paris. the next time, we're camping out at that airport overnight before our flight, and MAYBE, we might be able to get there before the plane takes off. read grace's blog here -> CLICK ME!
we spent the weekend chilling with grace's family in Toronto to celebrate her grandmother's 90th!!! birthday! it was fun, i got to meet the rest of grace's cool cousins, where the two of us then proceeded to take all of their money at the poker table :) deeko, kuya, eric, it was child's play ;)
April 13-14th
after wasting a day on the airplane, we got back to paris on noon on Monday, and passed out. i'd post a picture of pure darkness if i wasn't so lazy, to give you a sense of what we did that day (wait... two days)
April 15th
i met grace for lunch as she had a break for class. cafe pasteur which is on her way to school... and the funny thing about living here, is you get to try out these little no nothing brasseries that you'd probably never try out unless you lived here. and they're DELICIOUS!

grace's dish on the left, which is a salad. in theory. i think it's more like potatoes, eggs, and goat cheese on bread, over some greens as garnish. that somehow got miscategorized as a salad. you say po-tay-toe, i say po-tah-toe.
i went original, like usual, and got the steak. just like i originally and uniquely order the steak at every other brasseries we go.
April 16th
Random picture taking day. today's theme is "the louvre"

no chang soo, the kid is not going poo.

that last one isn't the louvre, but Saint Eustache, right next door to our home.
April 17th
Grace and i went to check out berthillon again, except we confused ourselves and went... somewhere else. but we had berthillon ice cream anyway

yes... it may look like poo. but it really is ice cream :p
April 18th
even though we had ice cream the day before, grace somehow managed to still have an ice cream kick (i think it has to do with a recessive gene that lies on the "X" chromosome called 'icecreameverydayoftheyear' gene. which would be why it only affets women as the recessive trait is counteracted by the male's "Y" chromosome called "screwtheicecreamwheresthesteak" gene).
we then went to see "duplicity" which would have been 1,000 times better if
if they got the money in the end. or it was a double take, and they like knew they were getting screwed and ended up shorting the bad company's stock and made millions more than the 35mm they were supposed to get from the swiss company. then it would have been badass.
but that's just me.
April 19th
we got pho. and it was good.

it had to be done, i see most of you readers are nodding, and as you can see in the last picture... we were happy. and full. and bloated. (thank you MSG).
April 20th
so we have this cool thing where if we together don't spend over 50 euros for a day, the excess goes into a slush fund for some savings that will turn into a fine dinner. so since we saved a good amount, we went to David Lebowitz's recommendation the best steak tartare in town, Les Fines Gueules. both of us got a little dressier and...

i looked... aiite. but she looked... breathtaking. i am... a very. very. VERY lucky man.

since their menu changes daily, they write their menu on a chalkboard, and let you read it to your hearts content. when you've confused yourself enough trying to read the french, and after enough time of despair, they then come by to take your order and speak to you in perfect english. i should have seen that coming.

following my statements of originality, i got the steak.
she got the beef tartare. life was really really good until...
the fromage plate.

yes. that's fuzz on the blue cheese. it was so alive, it almost walked itself into our mouthes, we didn't even need forks.
and that's it for now! until next time!